
Race: Human, Barbarian from Mythguard
Hight: 6 ft 4
Weight: 280 pounds of pure muscle
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Hair: None
Skin: Well tanned from blistering winds and the bright sun.
Eyes: Deep Blue
Clothes: While in a town, Hammer wears a traveling tunic and cloak. While adventuring, Hammer mostly wears just a loin cloth, and maybe a wolf skin cloak. Almost all of the time Hammer will carry his giant War Hammer, using it as a walking stick if walking.
Other: Hammer has a spider's web tatooed all over his body. This web is actually a magic armor, as it acts like a heavy platemail without the extra weight. This same Spider Web design is also in gold trim on the War Hammer, which allows Hammer to be under a Haste Spell, making him twice as fast as normal. This War Hammer is so heavy that only a spell of strength or other magical aid will allow another to even pick it up, much less use it to any effect. The War Hammer is tied into the Web Armor, so only Hammer can use the Haste Effect.
Hammer is the Champion of Clan Devil Dogs, but wishes to see more of the world.
He has left his homeland for this reason.

Hammer is a bezerker, who can call apon the Battle Rage at will. However, he rarely does, because he knows the damage it can do to himself, and others.

Hammer is brash, but polite, having known other types of people in his short life, and has seen how others treat the brash barbarians of the North, and knows why they treat them in such a way. Hammer also is very confident of his own abilities, and may appear to be braggart. However Hammer has also learned to know his limitations, and the price of overconfidence. (Not that Hammer will never be overconfident, because he IS the champion of his clan, and the direct decendent of The Thunderer, like all self-respecting barbarians.)