
She is a very beautiful elven maiden with shoulder length, wavy, deer-colored hair and violet eyes. She has a spiraling sun symbol in the same violet as her eyes at the base of her neck. It is obviously a birth mark and not a tattoo. She normally travels cloaked with her hood up at all times, hiding her face and her birthmark. All that can be seen is her hair curling out from under it. Under the cloak she wears a gauzy white and gold ankle length gown, cut low to bare her birthmark. She wears slippers or no shoes at all. She is very shy and self-conscious since she has never really been around people or been accepted by anyone.

Her "pet" Pine is a familiar of sorts. No one really knows what he was originally, not even Sala. This is part of her "gift." She has the power of nature and some minor morphing magic.

As you all know she is inhabited by a demon(s) who take over her body at will. This will lend itself too some rather interesting effects since they also have control of her gift then.